Saturday, February 27, 2016

Humility and Repentance

Humility and repentance are essential elements to any relationship, but especially in a marriage relationship.  When I first got married, I had a hard time accepting the fact that my opinion and view points were not always right.  However, after two years of marriage, many arguments (that could have been avoided with repentance and humility) and wise words of advice, I have learned that it is best to be humble when coming into a marriage.  

When we are forgiving and loving towards our spouse, and realize that they come from a different background and have their own points of view, it is more conducive to a healthy and loving relationship.  As we learned from our readings this week, a happy marriage involves two good forgivers.

I think that this is an excellent principle to live by.  When you live with someone, as you do in a marriage, everything they do, all their habits and quirks suddenly become very noticeable as opposed to when you were dating.  What you once thought was cute and charming can now seem annoying and irritating beyond words.

However, when we live with humility and repentance, we can learn that the problem is not them, it is our attitude.  If we would have an attitude of humility and love, accepting the atonement into our lives, we would learn to let the little things slide and serve our spouse rather than criticize them. 

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