Saturday, March 5, 2016

Are you Up for the Challenge?

While reading in Wallace Goddard's book Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage, a challenge was posed to all those who were reading.

 "Are you willing to try a 30-day experiment? For 30 days are you willing to show nothing but kindness and appreciation to your partner?  Are you willing to set aside complaints and disappointments and see the good intentions and best efforts in your partner? Rather than count the cost, will you consider seeing the investment as Paul did?"

 Can you imagine the difference you could make in your marriage, or any relationship, when you start showing nothing but kindness and appreciation?  Can you imagine the shift in attitude when you set aside complaints for appreciation and gratitude?  What a powerful challenge, and a difficult one, but I think it has the power to change any relationship.

I want to take on this challenge because I think it has the power to change attitudes, hearts, and heal relationships.  Often times we get "stuck in a rut" in our relationships, or find ourselves complaining to our partners, or thinking of what they are doing wrong.  

When we start to change OUR attitude and behavior (after all, we can only change ourselves), we will start to see a powerful shift in behavior in our partner.  When we express to our partner what they are doing RIGHT instead of WRONG, we will have an increase of love in the relationship.  When we tell them we love so and so about them instead of get on them about doing this, we will see them in a better more positive light.  

Gratitude has the power to change everything, and I am willing to take on this challenge.  I don't think it will be easy by any means, and I am sure I will have some slip-ups, but I will pray for a changed heart and heart full of gratitude.  I think that with the help of the Lord and a new attitude of positivity, the whole dynamic of my marriage will change into a loving, nurturing, positive, grateful, supportive, charitable, consecrated marriage.

Now the only question is, are YOU up for the challenge?!

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