Saturday, February 6, 2016

Be a Good Samaritan in your Marriage

How can we have a happy marriage in this day and age when divorce seems to be skyrocketing?  Everywhere we go, it seems that divorce is the answer to all our problems.  If you don't like someone, just divorce them and the problem goes away.  This is not the answer, however, in fact those that divorce often find deeper issues and sorrow after the papers are signed and furniture is divided.

 According to Wallace Goddard, the answer to a happy marriage is to bring Heavenly help into your marriage.  Wallace Goddard gives a beautiful description of the descent of a traveler from Jerusalem to Jericho.  He connects that traveler to each of us, and says that the descent is like the descent from Heaven to hellish trials or paths.

We often fall from Heaven's grace into times of temptation and trial. While on the path to Jericho, this traveler is wounded and injured by thieves.  Many passers come by this man, a priest, a Levite and a Samaritan.  The only one to help the traveler is the Samaritan.

He likens this parable to all of us in our marriages.  Do we look at our spouse and blame them for their errors, saying, "I told you so," or, "You are hurt because you shouldn't have done that?" 
Do we look at the wounded and pass by without helping them because we feel they deserve what was coming for them?

Or do we help them without judgement, serving without any hesitance?  Do we come prepared with oil and wine to heal their wounds and give them aid?

In marriage, there are many situations when you can point fingers and find blame.  However, that only brings contention and resentment.  Contention is of the devil and does not bring harmonious and loving feelings into a marriage.  It is the natural man that wants to say, "I told you so," to their spouse, but what good does that do for either partner?  It leaves both spouses feeling hurt and empty.

Rather than judging and seeking blame, or deciding whether someone "deserves" aid, be like the good Samaritan and simply rescue your spouse.  Come prepared with an open heart and open arms to your partner and say, "How can I help you?"

Marriage is not about keeping tallies or scores of who did what or getting even with each other.  That is not how Christ designed marriages to be and not how He would have them.  Happiness is most likely to occur when we serve each other and have pure Christ-like charity towards one another without thought of recognition or repayment.

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