Friday, February 19, 2016

What Jesus Touches, Lives

My favorite concept from reading Drawing Heaven into your Marriage by Wallace Goddard was an excerpt from President Howard W. Hunter.

"Whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives.  If Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives.  If he is allowed to lay his hands on the familyit lives."

What a simple, yet beautiful concept.  Whatever Jesus touches, it lives.  Jesus has the power to make marriages live and bless all marriages and families.  It reminds me of the story of the woman who wants to be healed by Christ and reaches out from the crowd to touch the hem of His garments to be healed.

This woman had faith that by simply touching the hem of Christ's garment that she would be healed. She was right- everything that Christ touches, or everything that we let Christ touch, heals.

When we are sealed in the temple of God, and make sacred covenants with our spouse for time and for all eternity, we are entering those covenants not only with our spouse but with Christ as well.  Isn't that a great feeling, to know that we have the Great Healer as a third-party in our marriage?

When one spouse is struggling and going through trials, and has seemingly given up, there is still hope in the marriage because the other spouse and Christ are still hanging on.  Everything Christ touches lives.  When we let Christ into our marriage and allow the atonement into our relationship, it will revive and grow stronger.  Things may seem tough and irreparable, but nothing is past repairing through the atonement.  We need to have faith in our covenants and have faith that Christ can heal what has been broken.

There have been times in my marriage when things were hard and it felt like giving up would be the easiest option, but I had a wonderful friend, or a lifesaver, remind me that there is power in temple covenants.  She reminded me at a tremendously difficult time in my life that things may look bad now, but Christ was working in our marriage and because we had made sacred covenants there was eternal blessings and help from on high for us.

I know that there is power in covenants, and that when things are hard the Savior is there to support your marriage and family because He loves you and wants you to have joy.  His eternal plan is all about families and marriage, and He created man that we might have joy.  When things seem tough, know that there is hope and rely on the Savior and your covenants, for there is tremendous power in them.

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