Saturday, March 19, 2016

Stay Loyal

The biggest thing I took away this week was the importance of staying true and loyal to our partners.  Nobody goes out looking for an affair of any kind, they always start out innocently and think nothing will come about from it.  

Sometimes an affair doesn't even have to be physical or sexual, it can be completely emotional.  Whenever we are giving our HEARTS to someone other than our spouse, we are committing an emotional affair.  That is not what God intended when He commanded us to cleave unto our spouse and none else.  

Whenever we put anyone or anything above our spouse, we have already committed adultery in our hearts.  Wow.  What a powerful statement.

I think that to some extent we have all committed adultery then.  When we are mad at our spouses, it can be really easy to think about an imaginary boyfriend who would always clean the dishes or pick up their clothes.  We can fantasize about the "Ideal husband or wife," all day long, but this is only damaging our relationship with our own spouse, who is real and loves us and committed their life to us, imperfections and all.

I know that daydreaming is innocent sometimes and we all do it on occasion, but from this day forward I will try to do less of it.  I am committing my heart, with the help of God, to my husband and trying to love him completely, flaws and all.  

Being loyal isn't always physical-being loyal is a matter of the heart.  Would you be faithful to your spouse if we could see the inner workings of your heart?

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